Wondering how to propagate pothos in soil? Here's what you need to know to get your baby plant cuttings rooting! Pothos is one of - if not the - easiest plants to propagate. It's also a super easy to care for plant in general! I always recommend pothos for new plant owners and definitely think...
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Plant Propagation Troubleshooting Guide
Are your plant cuttings not rooting? Let's dive into Plant Propagation Troubleshooting and the most common problems! Congratulations on embarking on your plant propagation journey! As you delve into the exciting world of multiplying your plant collection through propagation, it's important to be prepared for any challenges that may arise along the way. This guide...
Can you grow pothos in low light conditions?
Wondering if you can grow pothos in low light conditions? Here's everything you need to know about growing pothos in low light! Pothos is one of my very favorite houseplants. It's super beginner friendly, and it comes in a ton of varieties to collect! However, the best thing about pothos is that it can thrive...
Why your Calathea leaves are curling and how to fix it!
Wondering why your calathea leaves are curling? Let's diagnose this common problem and get your plant healthy again! Calatheas are super popular houseplants. They come in many varieties but most feature big, round leaves with gorgeous, colorful veining. Theses plants are generally fairly easy to keep happy and a beautiful addition to any houseplant collection....
Jade plant care: everything you need to know
Looking for a beautiful, easy house plant? Here is everything you need to know about Jade plants! Jade plants are one of the most popular houseplants. And I totally get why! They are really pretty with thick, glossy green leaves. Plus, they are super easy to care for, even for beginners. If you are considering...
How to care for variegated pothos
Love the look of a multi-colored houseplant? Here's how to care for variegated pothos and special considerations needed to maintain pothos variegation! I love pothos plants and enjoy collecting varieties of it. One of the things that sets some of the varieties apart is the coloring of the leaves. Vareigation is the appearance of different...
How to care for your pothos during winter
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Pothos vs. Snake Plant - which is easier to care for?
Deciding on your first houseplant purchase? Let's compare Pothos vs. Snake Plant care to see which is better for a beginner houseplant owner! I have a lot of houseplants now, but it wasn't that long ago that I had none. My first plant was actually pothos grown from cuttings from the plants that grew by...
How to water jade plants
Want to take the best possible care of your jade plant? Here's a complete guide on how to water jade plants including winter care, bottom watering, and humidity needs! The Jade plant, also known as Crassula ovata, is a popular and easy-to-grow succulent native to South Africa. It is a member of the Crassulaceae family...
Callisia repens Pink Lady care guide (turtle vine plant!)
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Calathea roseopicta plant care guide
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The best plants for a hanging planter
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How to save a dying staghorn fern
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How to fertilize a Norfolk Pine
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Common umbrella plant pests and how to get rid of them
Do you suspect your umbrella plant of having a pest invasion? Here are the most common umbrella plant pests and the best tips on how to get rid of them. The umbrella plant, also known as the Schefflera, is a very durable houseplant. It is considered to be low-maintenance, mostly because it can grow in...
How to train your umbrella plant to grow in a specific direction
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Why is my rubber plant dropping leaves?
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Why are my pothos cuttings rotting
Wondering why your pothos cuttings are rotting? Here are the top causes of pothos cuttings rotting, what to do about it, and how to fix it! Pothos, also known as devil's ivy, is a popular indoor plant due to its hardiness and ease of propagation. Many plant enthusiasts enjoy propagating their pothos by taking stem...
Ficus burgundy rubber plant care guide
Want to add a Ficus burgundy rubber plant to your houseplant collection? They are beautiful and easy to care for! Here's my complete Ficus burgundy rubber plant care guide! I was recently looking for a plant to put in the corner of our home office. I wanted something that would do OK with medium light...
Pilea Dark Mystery plant care guide
Want to add a Pilea Dark Mystery to your houseplant collection? They are beautiful and easy to care for! Here's my complete Pilea Dark Mystery plant care guide! I was recently perusing the shelves at Home Depot, looking for a new plant for my home office. I wanted something that would do OK with medium...
Why is my umbrella plant getting yellow leaves?
Is your umbrella plant getting yellow leaves? Here are the top causes and how to fix them! Umbrella plants are beautiful, easy care houseplants. But, just because they are easy to care for doesn't mean something can go wrong. Amongst all of the top umbrella plant problems, yellow leaves are one of the most common....
Are umbrella plants safe for pets?
Looking for pet-safe house plants? Let's talk about are umbrella plants safe for pets and what you need to do if your pet is exposed. Umbrella plants are super popular houseplants. They have a tree shape and tropical leaves in clusters of 8, making them a beautiful addition to any houseplant collection. The umbrella plant...
Umbrella Plants: everything you need to know
Looking for a beautiful, easy house plant? Here is everything you need to know about Umbrella plants! I love an Umbrella plant (scientific name: schefflera). These tropical plants are really small trees with clusters of 8 leaves. They have a tropical look, mixed with a tree aesthetic, which makes them an interesting addition to any...
Why is my umbrella plant dying!?
Umbrella plants are easy care - but they can still have struggles! Here's why your umbrella plant is dying - and ways to fix it, no matter the cause! I love our umbrella plant because it is easy to care for and easy to propagate. It's a bit different from your average house plant since...
Pothos plant care: everything you need to know
When people ask me what their first houseplant should be I almost always say pothos! Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a beutiful tropical vine plant. It can be grown trailing/hanging or climbing. There are tons of variety of pothos with different colorations, patterns, and leaf shapes. More importantly - pothos plants are super easy to care...
How often to water pothos plants
Want to keep your Pothos alive? Proper watering is key! Here's how often to water pothos plants! One of the simplest indoor plants to care for is the pothos. Its popular name derives from the genus Pothos aureus, and in addition to the traditional jade-green Pothos, there are a few more varieties. Examples include the...
Why is my pothos plant not growing new leaves?
A struggling houseplant can be super frustrating! Here's why your Pothos is not growing new leaves and what to do to fix it! Many people agree that a Pothos plant is a fantastic houseplant to start with if you've never taken care of one before. It’s quite simple to maintain and will provide striking lush...
The best pots for jade plants
Want to give your jade plant the VIP treatment? Here are the best pots for jade plants! The Jade plant is a lovely succulent, and any area would benefit from having its thick, glossy, dark green leaves. With its woody branches and oval-shaped leaves, the jade plant, also known as the money tree, has a...
Can umbrella plants survive outside?
Want to move your umbrella plants to your outdoor space? Let's talk about how umbrella plants survive outside and when they need to come inside! As a tropical plant native to Australia, the Schefflera is simply everywhere! You can find it in an office and most households. Aesthetically pleasing with exotic foliage, the umbrella plant...
When to re-pot an umbrella plant
Umbrella plants are easy care houseplants that don't require much maintenance. However, they do sometimes need to be repotted. Here's how to know when to re-pot an umbrella plant! Shefflera, also known as the Umbrella plant, is probably one of the most common plants you can find in a home or an office. It is...
Why is my umbrella plant wilting - and how to fix it!
Here is a complete guide on why your umbrella plant is wilting - and specific ideas on how to fix each problem! Have you been away for a longer period? Or have you simply been too busy lately that you haven’t had the time to check on your plants? Now, when you can finally spare...
Why is my jade plant dropping leaves?
Having trouble with your jade plant? Here are the top reasons that cause jade plants dropping leaves and how to fix them! Notorious for being a succulent that requires little care, you can find yourself confused when your jade plant starts dropping leaves. The first thing that pops to mind is the question, “How is...
Why is my jade plant turning yellow?
Is your jade plant not looking it's best? Here are the top causes of a jade plant turning yellow and how to fix it! Jade plant, also known as the lucky plant or money tree, has always been considered the perfect addition to any home because it doesn’t require much maintenance. You can add it...
Why is my umbrella plant turning black?
Is your umbrella plant turning black? Here are the top causes and easy solutions to get your Schefflera plant healthy again! Caring for a Schefflera plant is quite easy. But what happens in those cases when you accidentally make a maintenance mistake? Do you just give up on it or start nurturing it back to...
Why does my umbrella plant have sticky leaves - and how to fix them!
Does your umbrella plant feel a bit... sticky? Here's why umbrella plants have sticky leaves - and how to fix them! Being one of the most popular houseplants, the Schefflera is known for its tropical beauty and leaves that simply hypnotize you. The reason why it is such a popular plant is due to its...
Can you propagate a long pothos vine?
Wondering if you can propagate a long Pothos vine? Here's why you should trim it and a step by step guide for success! Pothos plants are a super popular plant for beginner houseplant owners. These vining plants grow lush green leaves that come in a ton of colors and varieties. Pothos grows quickly and -...
How to propagate snake plants (Sansevieria)
Want to learn to take cuttings from your snake plant and grow new plants from it? Here's how to propagate snake plants at home and snake plant care tips! Snake plants are a super popular house plant because they are easy to care for and don't require much light or frequent watering. They are often...
How to propagate golden pothos
Want to turn your golden Pothos into LOTS of plants? Here's how to propagate golden pothos! I love getting new plants and experimenting with propagating them. It's so fun to take a cutting and watch the roots grow on a new plant! Pothos is one of the very easiest plants to propagate. It's a fast...
Where to cut pothos for propagation
Wondering how to get started with Pothos propagation? Here is exactly where to cut pothos for propagation. Propagating pothos is such a fun and easy way to turn one plant into many plants to swap, share, or fill out your pot! However, the first time you take a cutting can be stressful. Hello, you are...
Why is my Hoya Hindu Rope Plant yellowing and how do I fix it?
Having trouble with your plant? Here's why your Hoya Hindu Rope plant is yellowing and how to fix it! Hoya Hindu Rope plants are beautiful, unique houseplants. The leaves are thick, glossy, and have a crumpled look. They grow really well in hanging containers - each branch can grow over a foot long. These plants...
Why is my Chinese Evergreen plant drooping and how to fix it
Wondering why is my Chinese Evergreen drooping? Here's what is causing the droop and how to fix it and stake up your Chinese Evergreen plant! Chinese Evergreen is the common name for the Aglaonema plant. These plants are, in general, super easy to care for. They are flexible on the lighting and watering they can...
How to cut off dead pothos leaves
Dead leaves on your pothos plant? Here's a step by step guide on when and how to cut off dead pothos leaves. Pothos plants are one of the easiest, most beginner-friendly house plants that there is. So, if yours isn't doing great, that can be quite disappointing. There's no need to stare at a plant...