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How to propagate golden pothos

Want to turn your golden Pothos into LOTS of plants? Here’s how to propagate golden pothos!

I love getting new plants and experimenting with propagating them. It’s so fun to take a cutting and watch the roots grow on a new plant!

Pothos is one of the very easiest plants to propagate. It’s a fast rooter and once you get going with propagating it, you’ll get addicted!

pothos moss pole after 1 season outdoors
pothos moss pole after 1 season outdoors

Why should I take pothos cuttings?

The biggest reasons to take cuttings from your pothos plant are because it needs a haircut. It could also be that you simply want to make new plants.

It doesn’t take much time to turn one pothos plant into LOTS of pothos plants!

These trailing plants can grow really long vines. If you are letting them hang down, you will eventually need to trim them back to keep them off the floor. Put those trimmings to use by propagating them!

You also might just want to propagate the plant. That’s fine too! It’s fun to experiment with your houseplants.

Cuttings can be used to fill out your pot or make a new pot!

Pothos cuttings also make a good idea for a free gift! Place 2-4 in a glass jar with a bow tied around it! Your friends will love watching the roots grow and then can add them to any pot of soil. 

how to propagate golden pothos

What is Golden pothos?

Golden pothos is a variety of the popular tropical plant pothos. It is, in my opinion, the most common variety that you will see even in places like doctor office lobbies.

The leaves can be solid green or have some yellow (golden) variegation. The more light that it gets, generally the more yellow variegation the leaves will get.

It’s a popular indoor plant and is super easy to care for!

Other names for Golden Pothos include:

  • Epipremnum aureum
  • Devil’s ivy
  • Devil’s plant

Check out my complete golden pothos care guide.

close up of golden pothos leaves
Golden pothos

How long does it take for golden pothos to root in water?

Golden pothos is usually super quick to root. In my non-scientific observation, the less variegation a pothos cutting has, the faster it roots.

Allow 2-4 weeks for roots to appear. Plant them in soil when the roots are 2-3 inches long.

Can you grow marble queen pothos in water?

You can easily root pothos in water. However, they grow best if you do transfer them to soil before the roots get much longer than 3 inches. 

Can you propagate golden pothos in soil?

Yes, soil propagation is the same as water propagation for pothos, just keep the soil moist. I suggest placing a plastic bag loosely over the pot to create a greenhouse effect.

I prefer water propagation because you can easily monitor root growth.

You can also propagate pothos in LECA or sphagnum moss.

When is the best time to propagate golden pothos?

Pothos growing season is spring and summer and it will root fastest then. However, you can successfully propagate indoor plants indoors year round. Just put them in indirect sunlight inside your home!

pothos cutting after 1 week rooting

How long does it take to propagate golden pothos in water?

It takes 1-2 months for golden pothos cuttings to fully root in water!

When should I move pothos cuttings from water to soil?

Wondering when to plant propagated pothos? Move your cutting into soil when the roots are about 2 inches long. Place in bright indirect light and let it flourish!

Can you propagate pothos without leaves?

Yes, I have successfully propagated segments of pothos stem with no leaves. Once you plant them in soil they will grow new leaves eventually!

pothos cutting without a leaf
root growing on a pothos cutting without a leaf

Where to cut pothos for propagation?

You want cuttings to be 6-8 inches long. Select a healthy branch of the plant, preferably one with active new plant growth. Roots will grow from the nodes (little brown bumps where leaves grow) so be sure to cut off a couple of nodes.

Here’s my complete guide on where to cut pothos for propagation!

You can cut so a node is at the bottom of your cutting, which will put roots at the end of your cutting. This means the remaining segment past the node on the mother plant will turn brown and die back, and new growth will come from the last node.

You can also cut just before a leaf node, so the node is the last thing left on the mama plant. This will make new growth grow right where you cut the mama plant, but roots on the new cutting will be a bit higher.

Be sure that your water jar is deep enough to keep the node submerged.

taking a cutting from a cebu blue plant

How to propagate golden pothos

It is extremely easy to propagate golden pothos in water.

  1. Identify a healthy branch, preferably with new growth
  2. Snip the branch with sharp scissors
  3. Remove any lower leaves
  4. Place in water so at least 1 – preferably 2 – nodes are underwater
  5. Change the water once a week and top off as necessary
  6. See roots form in 2-4 weeks
  7. Once the roots are 2-3 inches long, plant in soil

Other pothos content you might enjoy:

Printable Pothos Plant Care Guide

Join the (free!) KeepYourPlantsAlive+ community to access this exclusive printable plant care guide! Or keep scrolling for more!

Pothos plant care guide
Yield: 1 cutting

How to propagate golden pothos

how to propagate golden pothos

Here's how easy it is to propagate golden pothos plants!

Active Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Difficulty easy


  • Golden pothos parent plant
  • Rooting hormone (optional)


  • Scissors
  • Jar of water


  1. Identify a healthy branch, preferably with new growth
  2. Snip the branch with sharp scissors
  3. Remove any lower leaves that would fall under water
  4. Place in water so at least 1 – preferably 2 – nodes are underwater
  5. Change the water once a week and top off as necessary
  6. See roots form in 2-4 weeks
  7. Once the roots are 2-3 inches long, plant in soil

Thanks for reading!

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