Is your neon pothos wilting and losing its vibrant charm? Uncover essential tips to revive your drooping plant and restore its lush greenery!
Neon pothos are a wonderful addition to any home, thanks to their bright green and lush leaves that provide the ultimate feast for the eyes!
They are a popular choice among many people because it doesn’t take much for them to thrive, but Neon Pothos care needs just the right conditions.
But lately, you have noticed that your neon pothos plant is wilting.
It has started to lose its vigor and shape, and overall it seems wilted.
There may be quite a few reasons behind that – if you want to discover them, you have come to the right place!
Now, we are dissecting the subject of neon pothos with limp leaves – what makes them droopy, and what does it take to revive them?
Here are a few reasons why your neon pothos is wilting:
- Not enough humidity
- Too much sunlight
- Constricted roots
- Overwatering
- Repotting stress
- Pests
Without beating around the bush too much, let’s dive right in!
6 Reasons why Neon pothos wilting
Not enough humidity
The neon pothos originate from Asia, in the more tropical part of the continent.
This means that it thrives under hot and humid conditions.
But, when you place it in a location that doesn’t have much humidity (your home), then you may see that your neon pothos is drooping.
If this is what has caused your pothos plant to wilt and you want to revive it, the solution is obvious, really – just increase the humidity level!
There are a few ways you can do that.
The easiest way is to keep your pothos near other houseplants, as it can increase the humidity around it.
You can also mist it a few times a week to keep the vines humid and moist.
Invest in a humidifier and keep your plant nearby, or place your pothos in the bathroom, as the steamy showers can create a very humid environment.
Too much sunlight
The pothos thrives the most when it gets indirect sunlight (and plenty of it).
Naturally, when you leave it in a spot that is under constant direct sunlight, it can’t take the sunrays that much.
The soil will dry out, there will be no optimal humidity level in the area, and the pothos will eventually become sunburned.
The very simple solution to fix a neon pothos that’s wilting is to move it!
Keep it in an area where there is not much direct sunlight, but it is still bright.
Give it some time to adjust to the new location; after a week or so, it will start to perk up and look wonderful again.
Constricted roots
As with every other living organism on the planet, the pothos need room to grow.
The roots of this plant can sometimes become bound and trap it in its own container instead of thriving in it.
As a result, the plant will start conserving as much energy as it can, ultimately contributing to a neon pothos that’s dying simply because of unhappy roots.
The remedy is another one you’ll immediately think of – repotting your plant!
If you feel like you have an issue with choosing the right container size for it, then here is a little pointer for you – choose a container that is at least 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) wider and taller – and transfer your plant there.
While you are doing this, don’t forget the drainage holes – the neon pothos need them to ensure proper drainage.
Also, use fresh soil each time you replant your pothos.
After a short period, you should notice a significant improvement.
As the pothos may suffer from lack of water, it may suffer from too much of it as well.
If you have been doing this to your plant, no wonder it has started to lose its shape and wilt.
You have probably watered it more than once in a week or two – in some cases, that’s all it takes for the plant to start showing signs of improper care.
What happens here is that the roots suffocate and don’t get enough oxygen, and the final result is root rot.
There is a way to fix a neon pothos with limp leaves!
Removing your plant from the pot and replacing the entire soil is the best way to get it back on track.
It is most likely that the old one is too saturated, and by the time it naturally dries out, the plant's roots will already be affected – and there’s hardly ever going back from that point.
So, replace the soil (and the pot if you need to) to provide your plant with the proper drainage, too.
Repotting stress
If you are new to the plant world, familiarize yourself with this topic to avoid having mini heart attacks each time you repot your plants.
This is a common thing that happens to most of them as soon as they are transferred to a larger container, but if the issue persists, you must have drastically changed their environment.
There is not much you can do here, but the good news is that you just need to sit this period out.
As an issue, it will resolve itself in a short time.
Your neon pothos needs some time to adjust to its new environment, and once it does, the leaves should start to look perky once again.
However, if the neon pothos is still wilting after a few weeks, then you might want to check into some of the other issues that we have mentioned above.
Pests can be a real pain, and since they feed on the sap from the stem, they physically harm the plant, too.
If this is happening to your plant, then you might notice it to start withering away.
Act quickly and utilize every weapon in your arsenal. Get some neem oil and insecticidal soaps.
Moreover, shower the plant with a lot of water and make it look as good as new in no time.
Before you go…
These were some of the most common issues surrounding a neon pothos that’s wilting, and we are hoping that the list has helped you resolve them, leaving you with magnificent (and thriving!) plants to enjoy.
If you need more information on caring for this vibrant plant, check out our Neon Pothos care guide featuring everything you need to know about it!
Alternatively, check out the rest of our blogs for even more helpful tips!
Thanks for reading!

Hey there, I'm Morgan, a houseplant enthusiast from sunny Charleston, South Carolina. Growing up surrounded by my mom's lush orchids and African violets, I discovered the magic of bringing nature indoors. Thanks to the pandemic, I delved deeper into houseplants, discovering their power to uplift moods and transform spaces. I'm here to spill all my secrets, helping you pick the perfect houseplant - and make it happy. Let's keep your plants alive, together! 😊