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What to do when your fiddle leaf fig gets too tall

Is your fiddle leaf fig thriving TOO much?! Here’s what to do when your fiddle leaf fig gets too tall for your home!

I have a few fiddle leaf fig plants but one of them I am just obsessed with. I bought it 5 feet tall 5 years ago and now it grows above the height of my windows each summer!

Whether your fiddle leaf fig is touching the ceiling or it’s just looking a bit lopsided, let’s talk about what to do when your fiddle leaf fig is too tall for your home!

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Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Care Guide
two potted fiddle leaf fig plants on a table

Why is it bad for your fiddle leaf fig to get too tall?

There are a few things that could happen if your fiddle leaf fig gets too tall.

One, at an extreme, is it could hit the ceiling and have no where else to grow.

Or, as in my case, it can grow taller than the window frame and not be able to get sufficient light.

If your fiddle leaf fig is too tall and skinny, it might be leaning over and become unstable.

Finally, if the branch is bent at an angle (this plant grows towards the window) it could be touching the wall with no room to grow.

If this last problem is the case, I highly encourage you to start rotating your plants!

what to do if your fiddle leaf fig is too tall

What to do when your fiddle leaf fig gets too tall

If your fiddle leaf fig is spindly, it’s time to give it a chop.

scissors cutting a fiddle leaf fig tree

How to prune a fiddle leaf fig

first, be sure you are starting with a healthy plant. Don’t add further distress to a fiddle leaf fig plant with recent yellowing, brown spots, or damaged leaves.

Read about why your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves are yellowing here.

Select a stem that is healthy and growing new leaves.

Take a cutting just ABOVE a leaf. You want a segment at least 6 inches long.

HOT TIP: If you chop in a place with lots of nodes close together (nodes are the leaf bumps on the stem) you will boost your chances of getting more than one branch!

Use sharp, clean pruning shears. These plants can be thick so you might even need larger sheers to get a clean cut.

Now, you can propagate the cutting – here is how to propagate a fiddle leaf fig cutting!

fiddle leaf fig new growth branching

When is the best time to prune a fiddle leaf fig?

The best time to prune a fiddle leaf fig is during growing season – spring or early summer. This time of year you will have new branches growing the fastest!

tall fiddle leaf fig plant

What happens if you cut the top off of a fiddle leaf fig plant?

Cutting the top off of the fiddle leaf fig will encourage it to branch off in that spot. You could get 1, 2, or even 3 branches actively growing from where you cut it!

Is your fiddle leaf fig tree hitting the ceiling? I’d love to hear about it!

Thanks for reading!

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