Want to add a Satin Pothos to your houseplant collection? They are beautiful and easy to care for! Here's my complete Satin Pothos care guide!
I love pothos plants because they are super easy to care for and propagate.
It's fun to collect different varieties of pothos because they look like different plants - but all have the same easy care schedule!
One of the plants that has been flourishing in my plant collection lately is the Satin pothos
Let's chat about Satin pothos and if it might be a great addition to your houseplant collection!

What is Satin Pothos?
Satin Pothos is a variety of pothos with small dark green leaves with beautiful silver variegation.
Other names for Satin Pothos include:
- Scindapsus pictus “argyraeus”
- Silk pothos
- Silver Satin Pothos
- Silver pothos
- Silver Vine
Satin Pothos origins
Satin Pothos is native to Southeast Asia, where they are tropical climbing plants.
Is Satin Pothos rare?
Satin Pothos is not considered a rare plant.
I got my plant as cuttings from a neighbor at a time when they were not super easy to find, but now I see them at Lowes and Home Depot all the time.
Even if it's not rare, it's still a really pretty plant and a great addition to any houseplant collection.
Is Satin Pothos toxic?
All pothos plants are considered toxic if eaten. So, you definitely want to keep them out of reach of curious pets and kids.
Are satin pothos easy to care for?
Pothos is a super easy to care for plant and great for beginner houseplant owners!
Is Satin pothos a slow grower?
Satin Pothos is labeled as a slow growing plant. However, I find that it grows pretty decently in bright, indirect light. It’s definitely not as fast of a grower as the golden pothos, but it grows faster than mounding pothos like the NJoy.
Satin Pothos care guide
Pothos are super easy to care for plants and Satin Pothos are no exception.
Satin Pothos watering
Water your pothos when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch. You can put your finger in the soil to feel if it is ready to water.
Be sure that your pot has drainage holes in the bottom. This ensures that excess water can drain out. Pooling water means that roots can't get oxygen and will rot and die, killing the plant.
Read my guide on drilling drainage holes in pots!
How often should I water my Satin Pothos?
Water your plant when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry - usually once a week. It is better to under water than over water.
Should I mist my Satin Pothos?
Pothos love humidity. You can mist them, add a pebble tray, or run a humidifier, especially in drier climates.
Satin Pothos lighting needs
In general, pothos plants can live with medium to bright, indirect light. However, variegated pothos such as this one will need a bit more light. In low light, they will lose their variegation and turn more green.
So, stick to bright, indirect light!
Can I keep Satin Pothos outdoors?
You can keep your pothos in the shade outdoors as long as temperatures are at least 50 degrees overnight! They make a beautiful hanging planter or in the base of a potted tree.
Can Satin pothos take direct sunlight?
Satin pothos will get sunburn in direct sunlight. This will lead to yellowed or brown crispy leaves. They do much better in bright, indirect light such as on a covered porch.
Satin Pothos soil + potting
Pothos do best with well draining soil. Usually a standard potting mix is fine. Be sure that your pot has plenty of drainage to avoid soggy soil and pooling water.
Does Satin Pothos like to be root bound?
Pothos will slow down their growth and can even start dropping leaves if they get root bound. It's usually best to move them to a pot 1 inch larger in diameter each spring.
Does Satin Pothos need a moss pole?
This type of pothos is a slow grower, so it will take a long time to climb a moss pole. That being said, they definitely will climb and tend to get larger leaves when they have something to climb.
Here's my guide on how to make a moss pole!
Satin Pothos fertilization
Apply any houseplant fertilizer once a month in warm growing months to encourage more and faster growth.
How to propagate Satin Pothos
It is extremely easy to propagate Satin Pothos in water.
- Identify a healthy branch, preferably with new growth
- Snip the branch with sharp scissors
- Remove any lower leaves
- Place in water so at least 1 - preferably 2 - nodes are underwater
- Change the water once a week and top off as necessary
- See roots form in 2-4 weeks
- Once the roots are 2-3 inches long, plant in soil
Click here for my complete guide on how to propagate a satin pothos.
Troubleshooting Satin Pothos
Why does my satin pothos have yellow leaves?
Yellow leaves usually indicate that your plant is overwatered. If the soil feels soggy, let it dry out completely before watering again.
Why does my satin pothos have brown leaves?
Brown, crispy leaves indicate that your plant is dry. It's either under watered, in too much sun, or too much heat.
Usually this can be fixed with a good watering, but if the soil is hard and compact, it might benefit from being repotted in fresh soil.
Why is my satin pothos not growing?
Remember - these are a very slow growing plant. However, if you want to speed up growing, make sure they have an ideal environment: bright light, adequate watering, and fertilize once a month.
Any more questions about Satin pothos?
Thanks for reading!

Hey there, I'm Morgan, a houseplant enthusiast from sunny Charleston, South Carolina. Growing up surrounded by my mom's lush orchids and African violets, I discovered the magic of bringing nature indoors. Thanks to the pandemic, I delved deeper into houseplants, discovering their power to uplift moods and transform spaces. I'm here to spill all my secrets, helping you pick the perfect houseplant - and make it happy. Let's keep your plants alive, together! 😊