Eager to protect your jade plant this winter? Learn the essentials of jade plant winter care with our guide.
For any gardener, winter is such an interesting period.
Some make plans for their upcoming planting season, while others get their part of a well-deserved rest.
But, all of them have one question in mind – how to take care of certain plants that they have brought home?
Such is the jade plant.
Loved and respected by many gardeners all over the globe, the jade plant is a super popular houseplant.
It has a long life. It’s easy to maintain, and looks amazing!
Since it is succulent, this plant thrives in warmer and drier conditions.
You need to follow a specific routine if you have this plant in your home, and this especially changes as soon as winter comes!
As most of you are probably aware by now, winter is a dormant season for most plants, and the jade plant is no exception.
Winter brings many unfavorable living conditions, affecting how you take care of your green beauty, which is why we have prepared a helpful guide on how to take care of a jade plant in winter!
What to know about Jade plant winter care
As part of jade plant winter care, move it to a very bright spot with good humidity and a warm temperature, and avoid direct sunlight.
By doing this, you will ensure your plant is happy and healthy.
As you can see, when you are prepping for a routine for a jade plant in winter, there are a few essential factors to keep in mind.
We are talking all about them below, so take a look and discover things you might be doing wrong!
Common winter issues for Jade plant
Have you been noticing that your jade plant does not look as sturdy as usual?
There are some specific issues that you may have to deal with, and all of them arise during the winter season.
Some of the most common ones include:
- Root rot and curled leaves
- Wilting of the entire plant
- Discoloration in the leaves
- Brown spots on the foliage and the leaves
- White spots on the foliage and the leaves
- Leaves curling up, turning yellow or brown
- Pest infestation
- Spindly growth
Jade plant winter care tips
Thankfully, the jade plant is more than just aesthetically pleasing – it is easy to care for.
When wintertime comes and you notice that your plant is not thriving, it is time to start taking extra care of it.
Here is the treatment you should apply to your plant!
Optimal light conditions
Giving your plant the appropriate amount of light means keeping it in indirect sunlight for at least 6 hours a day.
If you leave it under intense direct sunlight, it may get sunburnt. In contrast, if you leave it in a darker spot with insufficient light, it will become wilting and weak.
But, a window that gets just a little sunlight during the day is ideal for a jade plant in winter.
After all, the sun is weak during winter and will not create many issues in the long run.
Alternatively, you can always get some grow lights – they are readily available for purchase.
Beware of overwatering
Overwatering is another thing that many gardeners do during winter (especially the newbies).
As the soil remains wet due to the low temperatures and decreased light, the jade plant does not need much water during winter.
If you water it regularly (the same as you do in summer), it will lead to yellowing leaves, root rot, pest infestation, and more.
So, to keep this under control, make sure to water jade plant only when the soil gets completely dry.
This green gem (pun included!) can stay hydrated for a few weeks without water during the winter, so there is no need for weekly showers when caring for a jade plant in winter.
Beware of underwatering
As there is one end of the spectrum, there is another one too – and it is the risk of underwatering your plant.
Jade plants want to stay dry during the winter, but that does not mean that you should completely ignore them for 3-5 months.
If you leave the plant for weeks without even taking a glance in its direction, it may start drying out completely.
Check it at least once a week to see if:
- It is getting enough water
- The soil is dry or moist
- It reacts well to the sunny spot you’ve placed it in
Humidity and temperature
Humidity and temperature are the two things we always talk about, no matter the plant.
It is imperative to provide the plant with the proper humidity level and temperature for it to thrive, specifically during colder months.
When it comes to a jade plant in winter, the humidity level should be between 30 and 50 percent.
For the temperature level, somewhere between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect!
If you want to maintain the proper humidity levels in your home so your plant can thrive, use either a humidifier or a dehumidifier (depending on your situation).
Avoid placing the plant near a window and maintain an ideal temperature level in the home.
Also, keep the plant away from fireplaces and furnaces.
Forbidden fertilizer
At the beginning of this post, we mentioned that the winter months are when most plants are dormant – the jade plant is no exception.
This means that their growth rate is close to zero during the autumn and winter months, meaning they do not need fertilizer or other nutrients.
The jade plant only needs to be fertilized during the spring and summer season.
If you add some fertilizer to your jade plant in winter, you may burn the roots, thus permanently damaging the plant.
Feed the plants only during the growing season, and make sure to keep them in a pot with fresh, well-draining soil.
Final thoughts
There it is – the perfect guide for jade plant winter requirements! All you need to know about taking care of your jade plant during the colder months is here.
For a plant that is used to dry and warm conditions, this guide does not seem that difficult, does it?
If you have a few more plants and don’t know what to do with them, we have a few more solutions for you! Read through our other blogs and find out!
Thanks for reading!

Hey there, I'm Morgan, a houseplant enthusiast from sunny Charleston, South Carolina. Growing up surrounded by my mom's lush orchids and African violets, I discovered the magic of bringing nature indoors. Thanks to the pandemic, I delved deeper into houseplants, discovering their power to uplift moods and transform spaces. I'm here to spill all my secrets, helping you pick the perfect houseplant - and make it happy. Let's keep your plants alive, together! 😊